Some previous projects - images + information upon request:
- 2012- PERSPECTIVES/THE WHITE CITY- views of the White City of Tel Aviv collaboration with Carol Bishop* / Hennessey Ingalls Art+Architecture Books
- 2010- URBAN FLUX- Story of O- group show Otis College of Art + Design /Ben Maltz Gallery
- 2008/2009 Independent Curator for Phantom Galleries:
- -MUSIC MAP-THE FIFTH AT HILL- installation by Larry Zempel-CARTIFACT
- -PERSHING SQUARE/TITLE- installation by Renee Petropoulos
- 2007-08- L.A. CONTINUUM*- views of changing L.A. /
- 2006- Group Video on Public Art- OTIS- NINE DECADES OF L.A. ART IN THE CITY / Municipal Art Gallery Barnsdall Park
- 2005- WRIGHT PERSPECTIVES*- views of F.L.Wright's textile block houses
- 2005- WRIGHT/SCHINDLER ELEMENTS- part of group show- Details of Distinction- Wright + his L.A. Progeny - curated by Sara Cannon- Hollyhock House, Barnsdall Park
- 2004-05 POMONA DREAM- Pomona Public Library
- 2004- SCANNING TRANSIENCE- part of group show- The Gardenlab Experiment- Art Center College / curated by Fritz Haeg + Francoise Perrin
- 2004- POMONA DREAM- part of group show- The judy Chicago Project- Cal Poly Pomona
- 2003- SCANNING FRANKLIN CANYON- Goldman Gallery, Franklin Canyon Park